Monday 10 March 2014

Learning English

I need a new car.     I bought a nice coat yesterday.              I saw a woman speaking to him.   a hundred dollars.      a dozen eggs     A child needs love.    Take one tablet three times a (= each) day.  It's a guinea-pig. She's a doctor.   I'm just going to have a wash.    Take a look at this.      a cup and saucer     a few days     a bit of sugar.  There's a Ms Leeming to see you.   a car,  an orange,  an hour.  What was she talking about?               They were creeping about the garden. We heard someone moving about outside. How about France for a holiday?        What about Ann - is she nice?                 It happened about two months ago.
She's always leaving her clothes lying about. I stopped her just as she was about to leave.  There's a mirror above the washbasin.   I could hear music coming from the room above.   It says on the box it's for children aged three and above.  
Rates of pay are above average.   Sally's a grade above me.  No one is above suspicion in this matter.    Above all, I'd like to thank everyone.    to accept an invitation/offer   to accept a job      He won't accept advice from anyone.      Do you accept credit cards?      He refuses to accept that he's made a mistake.      She's been accepted by two universities.
Many of the refugees have now been accepted into the local community.   The company has now accepted responsibility for the accident.      The hardest part is accepting the fact that you'll never see that person again.   They gave conflicting accounts of the events.   The documents provide a detailed account of the town's early history.  I paid the money into my account this morning.      You have to take into account the fact that he is less experienced when judging his performance.   He doesn't drink alcohol on account of his health.   The party was, by all accounts, a great success.    Please don't change your plans on my account.  On no account must these records be changed.   to act responsibly     Jeff's been acting strangely recently.  
Stop acting like a child!    We have to act now to stop the spread of this disease. He's acted in a number of successful Hollywood films.  He was asked to act as an adviser on the project.   The children acted out a verse from their favourite poem.
an act of terrorism/kindness           an act of Congress/Parliament   Her character doesn't appear until Act 2.
 a comedy double act   Was she really upset or was that just an act?  I caught him in the act of opening one of my letters.
She has to accept the consequences of her actions.  We must take action (= do something) before the problem gets worse.
So what do you think is the best course of action (= way of dealing with the situation)?  It was the first time I'd seen firemen in action (= doing a particular activity).    He likes films with a lot of action.  I'm afraid my car's out of action.
They've got three players out of action.   They are planning to take legal action against the company. He was killed in action (= while fighting).   The rocks are smoothed by the action of water.  an active member of the church     He played an active role in the campaign.     Even at the age of 80 she's still very active.     Add the eggs to the cream.   Could you add apples to your shopping list?    Then there's the service charge which adds another ten percent to the bill.  His voice just adds to his appeal.
She said she liked him but added that he was difficult to work with.  When you add up everything we've spent, it's cost well over £200.  If something does not add up, you cannot believe it is true.   She gave me an explanation but somehow it doesn't add up.  We went swimming after lunch.   I'm seeing her the day after tomorrow.   Let's get the shopping.
After that, we can have coffee.         H comes after G in the alphabet.      It's five after three.   I'll never trust her again after what she did to me.   I can't believe he was so unpleasant after you gave him so much help.  We ran after him, but he escaped.
The bus arrived after twenty minutes.    I'm bored with going to school day after day.   It was called the Biko building, after the famous South African.   Helen couldn't come to the party after all.   You can't expect to be perfect - after all, it was only your first lesson.   What type of job are you after?   The police are after him.    I'll ask her again.   I'll see you again next week.
Get some rest and you'll soon be well again.  He played the same song again and again.  We had to start all over again.
I failed my history test - but then again, I didn't do much studying for it.   Andrew wants to change offices but I'm against it.
There were 70 votes for the new proposal and 30 against.   Liverpool is playing against AC Milan.    the fight against racism
Push the bed against the wall.    Fresh fruit in the diet may protect against cancer.   I was cycling against the wind.
It's against the law to leave young children alone in the house.    He flew there against his doctor's advice.
I've got nothing against him personally, I just don't think he's the right man for the job.   The show appeals to people of all ages.   She left India at the age of 12.  Children under 10 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.  She's about your age (= the same age as you).   the Ice Age   We're living in the age of electronic communication.   Some wines improve with age.
I agree with you.   "She's definitely the right person for the job." "I agree."  We all agreed that mistakes had been made.
We agree about most things.     She agreed to help him.   See usage note at accept.      We couldn't agree on what to buy.
They agreed to meet on Sunday.   We agreed that they would deliver the sofa in the morning.    The road ahead is very busy.
Rick walked ahead of us.   She has a difficult time ahead of her.  Barcelona was ahead after ten minutes.   Sue is ahead of everyone else in French.    "Can I use your phone?" "Sure, go ahead."    We finished the project ahead of schedule.
Emergency aid was sent to the flood victims.   aid workers    a concert in aid of famine relief     She can walk with the aid of a stick.     Luckily a policeman came to my aid.     teaching aids such as books and videos   The aim of the film was to make people laugh.      He went to Paris with the aim of improving his French.    I aim to arrive at three o'clock.   We're aiming for a 10% increase in sales.    advertising aimed at students    I think the comment was aimed at Lesley.   a plan aimed at reducing traffic   He aimed the gun at the lion.    air pollution      He went outside to get some fresh air (= clean, cool air).   He fired his gun into the air.    I like travelling by air.     air safety     He has an air of authority.    If an argument or discussion clears the air, people feel less angry or upset after it.      suddenly disappear in a mysterious way      If something is up in the air, no decision has been made.      Our plans for the summer are still up in the air.      Are your grandparents still alive?
The bar was alive with the sound of laughter.       The city comes alive at night.    Local people are fighting to keep the language alive.     to continue to be popular or successful       Despite rumours to the contrary, feminism is alive and kicking.
We were all dancing.     I've watched all of the programmes in the series.    Who's eaten all the cake?    He spends all of his money on clothes.      all week/month/year     He's been studying all day.    All I remember is waking up in hospital.
I'm sorry, this is all I can offer you.      He hasn't changed at all.   Can I help at all?    There were twenty people at the meeting in all.    all day/morning/week/year/summer      all the day/morning/week/year/summer    You're all wet!    I'm all excited now.
Lee has travelled all over the world.      It was all over very quickly.         It was 3 all at half time.    I said all along that it was a mistake.       The film was all but over by the time we arrived.    The journey was all the more dangerous because of the bad weather.       All in all, I think she did very well.     Smoking is not allowed in the restaurant.    Are dogs allowed in the hotel?
You are not allowed to use calculators in the exam.            Patients are not allowed visitors after nine o'clock.
They have allowed the problem to get much worse.            The extra money will allow me to upgrade my computer.
Allow three hours for the whole journey.         The new legislation allows companies to charge for this service.
We can't allow this situation to continue.           Let is used in more informal and spoken situations.
Dad never lets anyone else drive his car.        She let her hair grow longer.      The hotel wasn't brilliant but it was all right.
It's a cheap wine but it tastes all right.         I'm all right thanks.           How are you?         Did you get home all right last night?
that's all right        "Thanks for cleaning the kitchen." "That's all right."   I'm sorry - I forgot all about it." "That's all right."
She lives alone.        We're all alone.       Last year alone the company made a million dollars.       You alone know how you feel.
Leave him alone, he's tired.        Leave your hair alone!           Sometimes I like to be alone to think.      She has been very lonely since her husband died.           a romantic walk along the beach         a row of new houses along the river     Somewhere along this road there's a garage.        We were just walking along, chatting.   You wait ages for a bus and then three come along at once.     She asked if she could bring some friends along to the party.         The train slowed down and then stopped altogether.
I'm not altogether sure about the idea.      There were twenty people there altogether.        Altogether, I'd say the party was a great success.          Diane is always so cheerful.          I always walk to work.         We've always lived here.      I will always remember you.          He's always losing his keys.        You can always stay with us if you miss your train.     He disappeared among the crowd.         The decision will not be popular among students.        I'm going to give you a minute to talk amongst yourselves (= talk to each other).             He is among the top five tennis players in the country.          She divided the cake among the children.         We were tired and hungry.          Tim lives in Brighton and Anne in Oxford.      I got dressed and had my breakfast.          The car wouldn't start and I had to get a taxi.      Try and eat something.         It cost a hundred and twenty pounds.         Two and three equals five.          The sound grew louder and louder.          Would you like another piece of cake?
We can fit another person in my car.         For another £30 you can get a better model.         I'm going to look for another job.
This one's slightly damaged - I'll get you another.          Would you like another cup of coffee?        Would you like other cup of coffee?          She had other ambitions.          I asked when she was leaving but she didn't answer.          You still haven't answered my question.        I must answer his letter.      I knocked several times but no one answered.     Could someone answer the phone?     If a child answers back, they reply rudely to an adult.       Dad told me off for answering back.    Do you think parents should have to answer for their children's behaviour?     "Why is violent crime on the increase?"         
" Well, I think television has a lot to answer for."      I asked him if he was going but I didn't hear his answer.
Please give me your answer by next week.           I rang the bell but there was no answer.
It's a difficult situation and I don't know what the answer is.      Did you get the answer to Question 6?
Is there any of that lemon cake left?     I haven't seen any of his films.    I asked Andrew for some change but he hasn't got any.
Can you pass me a spoon? Any will do.           Any advice that you can give me would be greatly appreciated.      Any of those shirts would be fine.         Do you feel any better?           I can't walk any faster.      She couldn't wait any longer.
I don't need a car and I can't afford one anyhow.    He hates carrots but he ate them anyhow.         Anyhow, as I said, I'll be away next week.          Boys aren't horrible - not all of them anyhow!           This coat doesn't fit me any more.     Don't you eat meat any more?          I didn't know anyone at the party.          Does anyone else (= another person/other people) want to come?
Anyone can go - you don't have to be invited.           I haven't got anything to wear.          Can I get you anything?   
Was there anything else (= another thing) you wanted to say?        We can do anything you like.         Tom will eat anything.
Does he look anything like his brother?          I don't need a car and I can't afford one anyway.        We can drive you to the station - we go that way anyway.            He hates carrots but he ate them anyway.             Anyway, as I said, I'll be away next week.           Boys aren't horrible - not all of them anyway!              Just sit anywhere.           I couldn't find a post office anywhere.              He doesn't have anywhere to stay.        Can you find anywhere to hang your coat?          Is there anywhere else you'd like to visit while you're here?           The house isn't anywhere near ready.        I tried discussing the problem with her but I didn't get anywhere.         Stand with your feet wide apart.           Our kids were born just eighteen months apart.
My jacket is coming/falling apart.           Apart from Jodie, who hurt her leg, all the children were fine.         He works a ten-hour day and that's apart from the work he does at the weekend.         He appeared calm and relaxed.        She appeared to be crying.        It appears that we were wrong about him.          He suddenly appeared in the doorway.           Then a bright light appeared in the sky.         Laptop computers first appeared in the 1990s.          The story appeared in all the major newspapers.
She appears briefly in the new Bond film.          The Princess hasn't appeared in public since her divorce was announced.
a television/public appearance         He made two appearances during his brief visit.      She's very concerned with her appearance.          Her appearance at the party was a surprise.          The appearance of new products on the market has increased competition.          I've applied for a job/grant/visa.        He has applied to several companies.     This law only applies to married people.      The same method can be applied to other situations.         Apply the cream daily until the symptoms disappear.      If he doesn't apply himself, he'll never pass his exams.      Liam has a different approach to the problem.
We've decided to adopt/take a new approach.       the approach of winter         The train now approaching platform 2 is the 5.35 to London, Kings Cross.           Christmas is fast approaching.        I'm not sure how to approach the problem. 
She's been approached by a modelling agency.         The verb approach is not normally followed by a preposition.      
He approached the door.            He approached to the door.          They sat around the table.        He put his arms around her waist.        He turned around and looked at her.        This lever turns the wheels around.           You have to walk around the house to get to the garden.           She showed me around the museum.                  I spent a year travelling around Australia.
She passed a plate of biscuits around.          There's a virus going around the school.         Is Roger around?     Mobile phones have been around for years now.         around four o'clock           around twenty thousand pounds          He's not as tall as his brother.              She earns three times as much as I do.           He was shot in the back as he tried to escape.         
I think your opinions change as you get older.          She works as a waitress.         It could be used as evidence against him.
This year, as in previous years, tickets sold very quickly.
She was regarded as a great beauty in her day.
Most people think of nursing as a female occupation.
You can go first as you're the oldest.
As I'd never been to Poland before, I bought a guidebook.
It looks as if it might rain.
I was pleased. As for Emily, well, who cares what she thinks.
The new conditions are effective as of 15 May.
There's no decision as to when the work might start.
Can I ask you a few questions?
I asked him about his hobbies.
I asked why the plane was so late.
He's asked for a bike for his birthday.
They've asked me to look after their dog while they're away.
She asked him out to lunch the next day.
Bruce asked if he could stay with us for a few days.
She asked to leave early.
How much are you asking for it?
You've got to ask yourself whether it's what you really want.
His wife left him, but it seems to me he was asking for it.
Drinking and driving is asking for trouble.

She asked her secretary to arrange an appointment.
"How much would that cost?" he asked.
He demanded to know where his money had gone.
The hijackers have demanded a million dollars.
We met at the station.
She was sitting at the table.
She's at the library.
The meeting starts at three.

She threw the ball at him.
He's always shouting at the children.
He's good at making friends.
I've always been useless at tennis.
We were surprised at the news.
He denied driving at 120 miles per hour.
She was hard at work when I arrived.
a country at war
Ladies and gentlemen, could I have your attention, please?
I was watching TV so you didn't have my full attention.
You weren't paying attention to what I was saying.
If I could just draw your attention to the second paragraph.
She's always trying to draw attention to herself.
I waved at him to get his attention.
This old engine needs a lot of attention.
Attention is usually followed by the preposition to.
You should pay attention to what she tells you.
We want to draw people's attention to the risks involved.
a position of authority
The investigators have the authority to examine all the company's records.
We need the support of someone in authority.
the local housing authority
She has an air of authority.
She is an authority on seventeenth-century English literature.
Go away and leave me alone.
Fish and chips to take away, please.
We'd like to move away from the town centre.
The nearest town was ten miles away.
How far away is the station?
Shirley's feeding the cat while we're away.
Can you put everything away when you've finished?
My exam's only a week away now.
Chris was hammering away in the garden all day.
The snow has melted away.
I'll be back in Sydney on the 20th.
When do you go back to college?
I put it back in the cupboard.
Anna stepped back.
Flint leaned back in his chair.
(UK) to ring back/(US) to call back
I signalled to her and she waved back.
Hopefully things will get back to normal again now.
I'm sure we can put it back together again (= repair it).
Try to go back to sleep.

We first met back in 1973.
Looking back, I think we did the right thing.
He pulled back the curtain.
The house was a short distance back from the road.
He has to travel back and forth between London and Paris every week.
He wrote his number down on the back of an envelope.
We were sitting near the back and couldn't see much.
I always keep a blanket in the back of the car.
He was lying on his back.
You've got your trousers on back to front.
They sat in back of us on the plane.
If you do something behind someone's back, you do it without them knowing, often in an unfair way.
Have they been saying things about me behind my back?
She turned her back on Hollywood and went to live in Florida.
He backed Mr Clark in the recent election.
Parents backed the idea by more than two to one.
Many people are backing Holyfield to win the fight.
She saw he had a gun and backed away.
He backed into a wall when he was trying to park.
The government has backed away from plans to increase taxes.
to admit that you were wrong or agree not to do something
The council backed down over rent increases.
The president has backed off from a threat to expel U.N. soldiers.
to decide not to do something you had planned or agreed to do
Nigel backed out at the last minute, so we had a spare ticket.
My family backed me up in my fight for compensation.
Honestly, that's exactly what happened - Claire'll back me up.
His claims are backed up by recent research.
to drive backwards
background music/noise
I could hear a baby crying in the background.
She came from a middle-class background.
gold stars on a black background
The talks are taking place against a background of economic uncertainty.
She took a couple of steps backwards.
He fell backwards off the stool.
Let's start with your most recent job and work backwards.
"Erehwon" is "nowhere" spelled backwards.
You've got your skirt on backwards.
I have to drive backwards and forwards between here and Ipswich every day.
to try extremely hard to help or to please someone
She bent over backwards to help him.
bad weather
bad news
a bad dream
My phone bill was even worse than I'd expected.
He's in a bad mood today.
bad behaviour/manners
The service was really bad.
He's always been bad at maths.
a bad injury
the worst flooding for years
It was just bad luck that she heard us.
Is this a bad time to ask?
"There are about 10 people in a group." "Oh well, that's not bad."
That's not bad for such a small company.
Looking at a computer screen for too long can be bad for your eyes.
The negative publicity has been bad for business.
I felt bad about letting her down.
"He didn't get the job." "Oh, that's too bad."
I know you don't want to go but it's too bad, we have to.
She's a really bad person.
I lost my balance and fell off the bike.
The force of the explosion threw him off balance (= it was difficult for him to stay standing).
We hope to strike a balance between police powers and the protection of citizens.
The new factory will destroy the ecological balance in the area.
I felt his report lacked balance.
On balance, I'd prefer a woman dentist to a man.
I always pay off the balance on my credit card each month.
After a bad year, Judd's career hung in the balance.
She was trying to balance a book on her head.
I struggle to balance work and family commitments.
The ecological effects of the factory need to be balanced against the employment it provides.
It's quite easy to fasten the monitor onto the base.
I felt a sharp pain at the base of my thumb.
a solid economic base
Keswick is an excellent base for exploring the Lake District.
an American Air Force base
The company's European base is in Frankfurt.
paints with an oil base
In 1893, many of the forecasts about 1993 were way off base.
We need to make sure that we are covering all the bases in our campaign.
Meetings are held on a weekly basis.
We will consider claims for asylum on a case by case basis.
Marks are awarded on the basis of progress and performance.
There is no legal basis for his claim.
Dani's essay can serve as a basis for our discussion.
I'm sixteen.
I'm Andy.
Her mother is a teacher.
He's German.
They were very upset.
He was very ill last year.
I'm sorry I'm late.
They've been unlucky.
Be quiet!
There were about fifty people at the party.
Is there a bank near here?
It's been in the cupboard for months.
She's in the kitchen.
It's not surprising that she left him.
It's a good idea to keep a spare key somewhere safe.
Where are you going?
How long have you been sitting there?
He was standing by the window.
He's working at the moment.
I'm going to France next week.
I'll be coming back on Tuesday.
The results will be announced next week.
If he were to offer me the job, I'd take it.
You are not to see him again.
They are to stay with us when they arrive.
She couldn't bear the thought of him suffering.
I like her, but I can't bear her friends.
How can you bear to watch?
The pain was too much to bear.
He bears a striking resemblance to his father.
He came in, bearing a tray of drinks.
I don't think that chair will bear his weight.
He must bear some responsibility for the appalling conditions in the prison.
They were rude to her in the past, but she's not the kind of woman who bears grudges (= continues to be angry).
She has been told that she will never bear children.
The shop bore his family name.
Bear right at the next set of traffic lights.
bear sb/sth out phrasal verb
to prove that someone is right or that something is true
The facts do not bear out his claims.
to be patient and wait while someone does something
If you'll bear with me a moment, I'll just find your details.
Our team beat Germany 3-1.
She beat the dog with a stick.
She was beaten to death.
soldiers beating drums
We could hear the pigeons beating their wings.
Rain beat against the windows.
I'm determined to beat this illness.
By the time the doctor arrived, his heart had stopped beating.
Being at the youth club beats sitting at home.
You can't beat Pedro's for a great pizza.
This ice cream takes some beating.
Beat the egg whites until they are stiff.
It beats me why she goes out with him.
If the sun beats down, it is very hot and bright.
to persuade someone to charge you less for something
to manage to defeat someone who is attacking you
to do something before someone else does it
I was going to ask her to the party, but you beat me to it.
to attack someone by hitting or kicking them many times
He beat up one of the other prisoners.
a week before Christmas
She arrived before me.
Think hard before accepting the offer.
I've never performed this before an audience.
He stood before her, shaking.
The hospital is just before the bridge.
P comes before Q in the alphabet.
They always put the children's needs before their own.
He appeared before the court dressed in jeans.
He was a teacher before he became famous.
It was dark before we found him.
Before I could warn him, he had fallen.
Put that stick down before you hurt someone.
It took a few moments before I realized that he was lying.
I've never seen her before.
We had spoken on the phone a few days before.
The children began to cry.
Have they begun building the wall yet?
She began her career as a journalist on a local newspaper.
What time does the film begin?
The war began at the end of August.
Local phone numbers begin with 018.
To begin with, the two girls got on well.
To begin with, we can't leave the children alone.
Close the door behind you.
The pub is behind the train station.
The letter had fallen behind the desk.
Our team is 3 points behind the winners.
The building work is already behind schedule (= late).
What was the reason behind her decision to leave?
The group is 100 percent behind her.
He's put his criminal past behind him.
Somebody grabbed me from behind.
She's behind with the rent (= is late to pay it).
You go on ahead. I'll stay behind and tidy up.
When we got to the restaurant, I realized that I had left my purse behind.
They believe that their health has suffered because of the chemicals.
Do you believe him?
I can't believe that she wants to go out with me.
"Is he coming home tonight?" "I believe so."
The murderer is believed to be in his thirties.
I couldn't believe my ears when Dan said they were getting married.
He even remembered my birthday, believe it or not.
I believe in life after death.
to be confident that something is effective or right
He believes in saying what he thinks.
He could hear people shouting below his window.

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